
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teresa of Avila

This morning during my devotion, I read an inspiring excerpt by Teresa of Avila.

She said to imagine you see a man sitting on the ground.  He is tied up... hands cuffed behind his back.  Unable to get up.  He is starving to death, even though he has food just inches from him.  He can't get to it no matter how hard he has tried... and by this point, he is too exhausted to try at all.

So she then poses the question: Which is the more compassionate thing to do?  To take the food next to him and to feed him?  Or to free his hands and feet so he can feed himself?

I know this is an idea that seems very obvious (although she may have been far ahead of her time...) but that is why education is so important.  Without the tools to take something into your own hands and struggle with it and deal with it... and ultimately apply it, we are left in the same defenseless situations.

This applies to nutrition! This applies to education! And finances! And relationships! and even spiritual matters. 

It was a good reminder to me this morning that gave me focus for the day.

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